Thoth: Hermis Trismegistus .

Thoth was written about from ancient times till the present. Freemasons, Rosicrucian’s and many cults and covens throughout millennia has hailed him, as a god or their guiding “force”. He has been identified by Alesiter Crowley in his book The Book of Thoth, as Satan or the fallen Cherub Lucifer.  While Crowley may have never called him Lucifer explicitly, all the attributes of Thoth correspond to those of Lucifer. “Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is portrayed by the Egyptians as the moon god with the body of a man, head of an ibis, and a crescent moon over his head. His symbol was the winged serpent staff. He was the god of wisdom, letters, and time. But he was not only known to the Egyptians. To the Sumerians he was Ningizzida”.

 In Manly Hall’s “The Secret Teachings of all Ages, he went in depth into Thoth calling him by his Greek name Hermes Trismegistus or Hermes Thrice Great. I will delve into Hall’s book and his utterances on Hermes in another post coming soon on this site.
Before Thoth/Toth was identified as a god, he was the originator of Egyptian philosophy and founder of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. He received his knowledge in the most pristine shamanic, encounter known to that order of spirituality i.e. sorcery, while in meditative trances.
He wrote over 40 books allegedly, “the Emerald Tablet”, the Book of Thoth and the Divine Pymander, the Book of Thoth was only available to students considered enlightened, who belonged to his mystery schools.
The following is quoted from Ancient “The topics he covered ranged from medicine, chemistry, law, art, music, rhetoric, magic, philosophy, geography, mathematics, anatomy, and oratory. To the Egyptians, his knowledge was so vast and all-encompassing that they first began to credit him as the communicator with the gods, eventually inducting him into the Egyptian pantheon”.

Thoth in the hieroglyph above.

A reconstruction of what the Emerald Tablet is believed to have looked like by the International Alchemy Guild.

 Nothing is for certain about the Book of Thoth other than the fact that it was written in Egyptian Hieroglyphics.  It was kept in a golden box in the inner sanctuary of the temple and only the highest initiate of the Hermetic Arcanum Mystery School had the key to it. It is said the book described the Key to Immortality, the process achieved through awakening certain areas of the brain, similar to the Buddhist monks’ practices.  Gardner and other authors claimed the awakening of the brain was achieved through meditation, the use of a white powder, and the priestesses’ sacred essence. 
The most powerful of the Mystery Schools was known as the Royal School of the Master Craftsmen at Karnak, founded by Pharaoh Thuthmosis III, though as with all the Mystery Schools, it is commonly believed that the true founders resided in Sumeria, emigrating to Egypt, which ties in to Sitchin’s claims that Enki and his sons (including Ningizzida) had Magan (Egypt) as their domain.
This school was also known as the Great White Brotherhood due to the members choice of raiment (white robes) and their dedication to producing the white powder known to the Mesopotamians as Shem-an-na, the High-Ward Fire Stone, or ‘white bread’ to the Egyptians. Pictures of it show it being offered to the Pharaohs, in the shape of a cone.

A man holding up the Mesopotamian fire-stone or shem-an-na - the substance that was made into bread-cakes and used to feed the Babylonian kings and the pharaohs of Egypt.


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