Hip-Hop culture has subliminal occultic elements that they incorporate into their musical delivery.
Examples of occult content in Hip-Hop are as follows the Hip-Hop duo outcast spoke of U.F.O, s in the beginning stages of their musical career,
They openly advocated the smoking of Cannabis Sativa although Andre had gone on record in denouncing Cannabis Bigboi still maintains his use of Cannabis.
Many other Hip-Hop groups and personalities more often than not promote the intake of Cannabis as a direct supernatural experience Red Man an infamous rapper has openly gone on record stating that he is a believer in the occult.
The supergroup Wutang Clan is one of the most overt occultic groups.

Their exaltation of all things oriental and their incorporation of ancient Chinese occult knowledge and Kabbalism into their music and logos.

This CD is an example of overt occult symbolism. The release date was 9/29/2009. In Kabbalism 929 symbolizes the Supernals the highest spheres on the Kabbalist’s Tree of Life. On the back of the CD is a green lake and in the back of the lake is three towers, symbolic for the Divine Triad. Astrology is also prominent on this CD cover the ninth month is represented in Astrology as Libra the woman with the balances, interestingly in Egyptian occultism, Maat of justice holds the balances as a Black woman on the CD cover are five women of varying ethnicities all representative of the Goddess. The CD title is Ghostdini “Wizard of Poetry”: as in Whodini. The all-Seeing Eye tops the entire ensemble. The CD is dominated by the color green the house of Libra’s color is green. Libra is ruled by Venus goddess of love she is also Auset or Isis of the Egyptians.).,The word occult means that which is hidden, hidden that is to non-initiates.

Therefore, occultism suggests knowledge that one can attain through stages or degrees.
All ancient Chinese philosophers from Tsun-Tzu to Confucius drew their philosophical taught from the religion of Buddhism; Buddhism came to China by way of India specifically (Nepal once under direct Indian rule).
Thereafter it spread throughout the Orient and Fareast by monks at other times it was introduced into new regions through conquest by warlords.
All persons who have delved into the culture of the Fareast will know that they were and still are in some cultures nature worshippers.
The Shinto religion of Japan is still the national religion of the country.
Shintoism holds that the emperor is a God and the Japanese people are his earthly subjects.
Their belief system of duty and self-sacrifice is not only part of their culture it is also a religious observance.
Seppuku ritual suicide is still practiced today in Japan, nature worship is called Baalism in the bible and is strictly prohibited.
The national symbol in most oriental cultures for strength and power is the dragon; in the bible the dragon represents Satan.
The occultic nature of many far eastern nature religions can be traced directly back to the fall of man in the garden. The mark of a cult is it, s deification of man (nature, or spirits sic demons) and its denial of the messiahship of Jesus.
All this was said to alert parents to the dangers that their children are faced with while being exposed to a culture that is occultic in its content. Another aspect of Hollywood and pop-culture including Hip-Hop is Cocaine and the culture surrounding it. What follows is a look into the said culture. 

The inculcation of specifically Cocaine into Hollywood culture was no coincidence; it was a methodically planned occurrence. By giving drug use and drug dealing mass appeal Hollywood began conditioning generations, for permanent drug addiction, it was all about the bottom line, money, and control. (Authors note Curtis Blow of Rappers Delight fame took his pseudonym from the slang term for Cocaine). By marrying Cocaine unto specifically Urban street culture, marked the shift away from marketing the drug, as a drug of choice for Hip artsy “yuppy” Caucasians, to the marketing of the drug and its targeting, as the drug, that fuelled the lifestyle of the urban American street culture, which consists largely of black and Latino young males and females. The cultural transformation of Cocaine underwent a dramatic shift from its largely Caucasian bohemian pseudo-intellectual roots, to a hip counterculture artistic young Caucasian drug of choice, to its present incarnation as the bane of the western hemisphere and the economic driving force in the form of Crack of the urban ghetto culture throughout the western hemisphere. Today the fashion of the street culture is purposely aligned along a pro-drug message particularly in the musical delivery, imagery, and lifestyle choices of the “Gangsta Rappers”.

Cocaine has a storied history in the Western hemisphere it is probably the most glamorized drug presently in the world today. The popularity and apparent “glamour” of the drug will be examined here as I attempt to chronicle briefly its rise in the Western hemisphere.
Cocaine is derived from the Cocoa plant which is native to the high mountain ranges of South America. The leaves were used and are still used by natives it acts as a stimulant increasing oxygen intake, allowing native laborers a boost in stamina and an increased oxygen intake which contributed at least in some minds to better performance of the native laborers given the thin air at such high altitudes. Through chemical synthesis the white crystal powder we have come to know as Cocaine was created. Cocaine was first synthesized in America in the 1850s; in 1880 it was recognized by the medical world.

The “father” of psychology Sigmund Freud lauded the effects of Cocaine. I will quote him and let him speak for himself.

One of the primary uses of Cocaine in the west was for military purposes.
The drug was administered by a Dr. Theodore Aschenbrandt, to Bavarian military personnel.

The drug was found to increase the endurance of the Bavarians during maneuvers. He wrote about his findings in a German medical journal, which introduced the “wonder” drug to a wider audience, Freud as a Dr himself was definitely exposed to such material and as we already know, became a crusader for the use of Cocaine. Cocaine was sold as an over the counter drug in America until 1916, Cocaine could be purchased at Harrods. Cocaine was sold in Tonics, toothache cures and a wide assortment of “patient medicines”, there was even a chocolate Cocaine tablet all sold legally over the counter in 20th century America.
Sigmund Freud was not only addicted to Cocaine he was also deeply involved in the occult along with his friend Carl Jung. Freud and Jung are the fathers of modern psychology.
Freud credited Cocaine use for some of his insights into some of his theories that are used today in Colleges and universities while under the influence of Cocaine. Parke Davis not coincidently one of the firms that paid Freud to endorse Cocaine based products that they sold, made the following which was publicly advertised in news media at the time: “Cocaine could make the coward brave, the silent eloquent, and render the sufferer insensitive to pain!” The aforementioned advertisement was being publicly promulgated with full government knowledge. Today the United States government purports to be waging “a war on drugs” when that same government is chiefly responsible for the proliferation of Cocaine today on the massive global scale that we are witnessing. All the previous statements made have been and will be backed with proof from official US government sources and UN data as I examine the genesis of the “war on drugs”. When combined with alcohol Cocaine yields a further potent reinforcing compound (coca-ethylene). Cocaine was popularly used in wine one highly popular one was called Vin Mariana. Cocaine wine was famously endorsed by prime ministers, royalty, and even a pope. The famous “father of American surgery”, William Halstead a founder of John Hopkins at one time was addicted to Cocaine.

Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis, in the early 1880s began to experiment with cocaine. At a time when he was undergoing a low period in his life, he reported that cocaine lifted his spirit, and took his mind off his professional and financial difficulties. He sent cocaine to his fiancée, telling her it would make her strong and give her cheeks a red color. Freud was to play a significant role in the development of the Western cocaine-industry. “I take very small doses of it regularly and against depression and against indigestion, and with the most brilliant success”, he observed. Drug giants Merck and Parke Davis both paid Freud to endorse their rival brands. He wrote several enthusiastic papers on cocaine, notably Uber Coca (1884). Freud said the following of Cocaine. “A few minutes after taking cocaine, one experiences a certain exhilaration and feeling of lightness. One feels a certain furriness on the lips and palate, followed by a feeling of warmth in the same areas; if one now drinks cold water, it feels warm on the lips and cold in the throat. On other occasions, the predominant feeling is a rather pleasant coolness in the mouth and throat. During this first trial, I experienced a short period of toxic effects, which did not recur in subsequent experiments. Breathing became slower and deeper and I felt tired and sleepy; I yawned frequently and felt somewhat dull. After a few minutes, the actual cocaine euphoria began, introduced by repeated cooling eructation”.

From the evidence thus far Cocaine was backed by world-famous personalities and even conglomerates, with corporate backing Cocaine, was methodically introduced into mainly industrialized nations with the knowledge backing and approval of the governments of the western powers. Chiefly the United States of America was a leader in the field of developing Cocaine for ostensibly “medical use”. In 1886 John Pemberton included Cocaine as the main ingredient in his soft drink Coca Cola. The Euphoric and addictive effect on the consumer that the original Coca Cola had was no doubt responsible for its status as the world’s most popular soft drink in history. From the 1850s to the early 1900s many cure-all “wonder drugs”, sold throughout the United States were laced with either Opium, Cocaine, Heroin and a variety of other substances harmless and in some instances lethal and sold, hawked and foisted unto an unsuspecting public.

Wealthy and famous Americans lauded Cocaines “magical” effects, some notables were Hollywood actress Sarah Bernhart and Thomas Edison (inventor of the light bulb. The film industry at the time was in its infancy and silent films were the main form of film entertainment, many silent film stars, were addicted to Cocaine. Untold millions were being “pre-conditioned” to accept the message that Hollywood was sending “Cocaine is good for you!” Cocaine was even advertised in some newspapers across America. Due to the mountain of evidence that pointed to the horrendous effect that Cocaine was having on people, Pemberton claimed that he removed Cocaine from Coca Cola in 1903; personally, I suspect this was done at a much later date.  1920 Cocaine was outlawed and added to the list of dangerous drugs enacted by the Dangerous Drug Act. In spite of the seeming official crackdown on Cocaine it was already an intrinsic aspect of American pop culture and as was proven in this work, it was effectively made a part of American and western pop culture through government facilitation. The drug was also frequently used for military purposes by governments throughout the western hemisphere. Particularly in the “third world”, Cocaine serves the purpose of destabilizing entire continents and aiding terrorism.

Interesting how the Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame are all five-pointed stars and upside down are the Baphomet symbol!

The words below are those of Maurice White founder of the 70's pop group Earth Wind and Fire so named after the three elements in his astrological chart. Their music in his words is a vehicle to raise awareness in people of Cosmic Consciousness. The term Cosmic Consciousness is a term that really entered the Western awareness through people like, Helena Blavatsky and her protege's, Alice Bailey and Annie Besant. Though there were and still are many more these two were the most prominent along with her "Avatar" J Krishnamurti. In the musical themes of EWF many of the values and spirituality taught by Blavatsky is to be found in the body of musical wizardry of EWF. Aleister Crowley predicted that contemporary music would one day lead the masses of people tom accept all aspects of occultism and Satanism, he said that as a result of the popularity of mediums like the "cinema", literature, and music Satanism and occultism would one day become a fact of life we are living in that day and age. I will include a very revealing description of the band in the words of media and their own words. The group performed the song in the 1978 Bee Gees/Peter Frampton movie ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’. Another single, “September,” made it to number one R&B, number eight pop in early 1978. On the flip side was the enchanting popular radio-aired album track “Love’s Holiday” from All ‘N All.
Their live performances were stellar as well. Sellout crowds were "spellbound", spellbound indeed, by the band’s bombastic performances. Their performances blasted a "cosmic wave" of peace, love and other happy "vibrations" to audiences using a combination of eye-popping costumes, lights, pyrotechnics and plain old good music. Sometimes they even threw in "magic illusions". Earth, Wind & Fire’s message was one of universal harmony, in both musical and cultural senses. “We live in a negative society,” Maurice told Newsweek. “Most people can’t see beauty and love. I see our music as medicine.” Medicine that is spellbinding , concocted of magical illusions and otherworldly spiritual vibrations  that engenders consciousness of the cosmos, not my kind of medicine no thank you.

Fortunately EWF are to this day very open about their spiritual leanings and are as per their own admission actively seeking to introduce spirituality to people through music, that in fact is an essential component of sorcery itself. All of the album art covers of EWF contain the elements of the spirituality that EWF have chosen to represent them. The Ankh or key of life very prominent on everything EWF related, above the first album cover art on this post shows the EWF in their famous pyramid pose. The Astrological elements are also represented.

Horus is represented on this album cover holding in his talons two ankhs symbolizing that he cannot die. The pyramid is in the backdrop long before Hip-Hop existed the occult and Satanism was present in black music, because of the Internet people are more aware of certain things. However this blog does not subscribe to the sensationalism of some, and the only solution that we postulate here is the salvation brought to the earth through Jesus The Messiah of The Ages. Not Christ Consciousnesses or any such nonsense we preach the gospel of Jesus . As per their own words Astrology is the vehicle that the EWF operate out of Astrology is simply sorcery.
Modern day sorcery repackaged and called pop music this band were the cheerleaders for the rise of the occult in contemporary Black Music.
On this album cover the Phoenix is visible the so called Fire bird. The art below depicts the elements,Earth,Wind,Fire and Water, water is represented by the woman since in occultism the woman as the 'Goddess', is the life giver. Also in Hebrew Eve is Achava translated into English it means life or water.  

Again the pyramid a central theme in EWF imagery.
Here the EWF members are all haloed and form a human pyramid with an actual pyramid in their midst out of which light emanates.It is no surprise that their 2005 album was called Illumination.
The symbolism here is very telling The woman astride the Black Bull called Europa by the Greeks,Astarte, identified with Hator and Isis. The Millennium in the culture that this band represents awaits a messiah their avatar is a female spirit . 
This is a telling example of globalism in a religious or spititual guise. All of the main Satanic and occult symbols mingled with Jewish and Christian symbols.The all seeing eye which represents Satan himself is also very prominent .
The above are all very prominent symbols in Satanism and all forms of Sorcery and Witchcraft. The EWF then are nothing more than accomplished wizards, hence the title of this post. 

Cosmic Consciousness is nothing new Blavatsky, Bailey , Besant and many before and after them have all trumpeted this term thousands of years  before the EWF were in existence. The EWF are only musical cheerleaders and not very powerful sorcerers. Above the Chakral path of the Hindu system can be seen, this is also a ritual accepted by all "Black Consciousness", advocates. They accept this even though there is no real evidence of "Yoga" having originated with the ancient Egyptians, nevertheless, Pantheism,Esotericism et al are all part of African spirituality which the bible calls witchcraft in the same way it condemns witchcraft practised by Europeans,Japanese,Chinese,Indians and any other ethnic group on the planet.
The two books above were published by Chick Publications the Christian Publishing House owned by Jack Chick. In the books shown above John Todd also known as Lance Collins he narrates his journey out of Satanism and Witchcraft, to a life of a born again son of God through Jesus The Messiah of The Ages. Todd exposed the global Satanic agenda, he also spoke of a Satanic network calling themselves the Illuminati who were ruled by a Satanic coven stead presided over by persons directly descended from the ancient Druids. Today the Internet is abuzz with so called "conspiracy theorist's", claiming to be exposing Satanism in Hip-Hop their claims are mainly speculation innuendo and outright lies. They are revealing absolutely nothing since these things were already revealed in scripture. And in the twentieth century by a man who openly stated that he was saved in a Pentecostal Church and delivered from the power of witchcraft by the power of the blood of Jesus. And that is the crux and reason for this Blog the establishment of the gospel as the focal point of a different direction for culture throughout the centuries and the God ordained way of life for humanity.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I am a Muslim girl and my mother used to listen to EWF, a lot during my childhood. I must say, even muslims music is forbidden. For me, EWF is wonderful sound the music seems kind of out of this world it does seem quite brainwashy. But i wondered what's with the images in the cd covers? the pyramid and the eye? the messages in the music doesn't seem bad...but no doubt in some way it has to be. perhaps it very well is memorizing and wizardly. and i always thought the many singers on the cover EWF looks weird! the one with the halos above their heads. their faces and just weird the covers in general are a bit scary. satan himself will go to great lengths to try and trick us and lie to us and little by little he will make people more liberal and 'open' to things and next thing they are sinning and disobeying god's universal laws. Our prophet mohammad (pbuh) always said that music is a door to fornication and adultery etc...thank u for writing this out. very informative!

    1. I appreciate your comments well the eye in the pyramid represents the all seeing eye of Horus or the all seeing eye of Lucifer. The pyramid is also in the Egyptian mystery system an actual temple. The danger is in the introduction of a Shamanic i.e. witchcraft value system through music and couching it as "entertainment". My point that Am trying to make is that it is dangerous to dabble in the mystery arts on any level whether in books or music. Give thanks for your comments Bless.Salaam/

    2. no music is not forbidden in islam.even in prophet muhammad era some people play drums(kompang) when he arrived in medina.and some of his friend singing while riding camel.there also hadith said a father mad at her two children singing in eid ul fitr and prophet muhammad said to that father let they be happy its eid ul fitr

  2. Can you cite anything where EWF say that they are wittingly involved in the occult or subscribe to the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, etc.?

  3. What I can tell you is this Earth Wind and fire do use the spiritual value system of the Egyptians who were one of the premier occultist societies of their time. EWF has openly stated on numerous occasions that they are a spiritual band not just musicians their music is a "vehicle", in delivering occult i.e. spiritual values to people, that are inherently based in Egyptology which stems from Astrology one of the most pristine forms of witchcraft.

  4. This was a very interesting article and I appreciate your taking the time to write it. There have been many understandings, but since you are studying journalism, I would like for you to entertain yourself with this knowledge below from brother to brother :-).
    Letter 1
    Letter 2
    Letter 3
    Letter 4
    Letter 5
    Letter 6
    Letter 7
    Letter 8
    Letter 9

  5. I am myself an avid ewf fan no doubt. But im not so big a fan in an aspect of denying the very truth that's in front of me. I find it very hard to not listen to them but I will not say that you're lying because in their 1975 song All About Love Reese says that they study "all cult sciences and astrology and mysticism world religions so forth" so he's openly telling what he was into. I just hope that Maurce and the other members come to repentance and sell themselves to the true and living God!

  6. Wow. Nobody studies true history here. It's amazing how brainwashed people are. Do your own research. Read books too, don't just search the Web.

    1. To Raye Universe, what is web researched here? Nothing on any of my blogs are from the web. I have a varied personal library, consisting og the likes of professor Ben Jochannan, Cheik Anta Diop, Breasted, Budges, John Henrick Clarke, Frantz Fanon, Darius Mahdi and many more. You should read more carefully before posting. Give Thanks.

    2. took the words right out of my mouth. Pardon me, Wade, but the most offensive part was the hypocrisy of the last few statements. You did not point out anything that wasn't already pointed out in scripture or very common knowledge. Also their focus on LOVE and HEALING as opposed to two timing and other negative connotations in romance are highly commendable, in my book.

    3. Wade,
      Thanks man for posting this, this is so true. Back in my college days in the 80's, I was a very into EWF. Their music has always had a soothing, balming effect on me. However, one day while shopping at a Christian bookstore, I bought a copy of Chick Pubs Christian comic "Angel of Light" you have posted. That busted my bubble! That's the first time I knew and realized that astrology, and the same symbols that adorn EWF albums are actually Satanic. Also at that time I was into astrology. It hurt my heart and I knew this was God's way of showing me what this stuff really is.

  7. Replies
    1. I remember their 1970's popularity,& my mother used to listen to their albums, but something seemed off about their music; it creeped me out! This one song in particular "Betcha" especially toward the end, where they hum/ moan harmoniously gives a human sacrifice vibe. I hated that song ever since!

  8. The Egyptian eye, is really what your third eye looks like, your penal gland. It's how you see further. The fluoride, put in your drinking water, pollutes it and doesn't allow you to use it. You need to cleans your penal gland of this toxin.

    The real jesus came from Egypt. The whites/jews took over the story, destroyed the past and artifacts from Africa and Egypt. They have tried to corrupt what the symbols true meaning are. ISIS...Egyptian god or terrorist group. Let's just call them ISIL or Daesh. You need to find your own clarity.

    Why the jewish star is at the top of the pyramid is beyond me. Defiantly not the chosen people.

  9. LOL. It's amazing how you allude to the "rise of the occult" in black music as if black music didn't rise up out of occult black Africa, as did the body of your people, Jesus worshiping or not. Also, Horus is not Satan. Your conflating of these different symbols belies an ignorance of history itself, and a fear of sorcery sown deep within. By whom did this process take place, is the question I'd ask myself, at what hands?

  10. I don't believe witchcraft or occultism is bad by any means, unless used for that purpose. Just like a righteous man who kills for reasons not just, no longer is a righteous man. Everything can be used as good, just like any man can turn over a new leave and become good. Nothing is evil, and everything is connected. I've learned that much from reading my books, along with this post. Everybody has their own perception of reality, and no one persons is correct in his viewpoints because we all our expressions of the same God. Just my two cents.

  11. This is the most offensive article I have ever read. The cross is a pagan symbol. That fish yall like to rock? PAGAN FOR PISCES. It's a fish that symbolizes Jesus who is a Pisces which is NOT in December. December 25th is a pagan holiday (WINTER SOLSTICE). EASTER celebrates fertility and Ishtar,NOT the resurrection (PAGAN!). That Amen you say after prayer? (THIS IS VERIFIED AND PROVEN) was talking about The Egyptian God Amen-Ra or Amun. YOU have the pagan religion, slave bible that massa forced on our people. Disrespecting our great ancestors. How dare you! America is not a Christian nation! Math and science you learned came from the same people (OUR PEOPLE) that you say are evil. So you'll learn the Devils math and science? EVERYTHING I HAVE WRITTEN HERE IS TRUE, FACT CHECK ME. Wake up and embrace the truth. These symbols that they say are evil, are not. They come from your people. How do you follow something that justifies slavery and made you think is was okay?

  12. The truth is an offense!

    I personally dont "rock", any fish or symbols, jewelry of any type. You are obviously a black person from North America. Having no clue to the Caribbean reality. We have grown up with Vaudon, Kandomble and Santeria in our midst from birth. None of these witchcraft practices has benefited our people in any measurably positive manner. In fact witchcraft has plunged the Caribbean into an ever widening chasm of death, extreme violence and poverty. As far as the recent championing by some American blacks of all things "Egyptian", your statements are from a purely theoretical standpoint and not from experience. When you have seen the effects of literal human and animal sacrifices on the psyches of people and specifically young children and young adults come talk to me, till then keep reading books.

  13. Bottom line: (I believe) every individual can choose what these things mean to them, and derive that meaning from the Source or from the twisted and concocted message of the Posers of today. The symbols themselves have become innocent pawns of interpretation; they are what you interpret and use them to be, that could be positive or negative.
    On the other hand, as (I believe) in the case of M. White and company (and The Beatles and Rolling Stones and MJ and Beyonce and Jay-Z and on and on), in exchange for wealth and fame, the oh-so-powerful entertainment industry (especially in music, movies, and TV) forces them to ritually sacrifice their souls and become conduits of the Satanic messages that you speak of. The proof is in the imagery(stage, movie set, marketing materials), lyrics, costumes, role-playing, and even flashing of symbols on stage, much of which is readily available to be researched, but much is secret. Peace and Love to all.

  14. The content in the beginning of this post is fresh and was added on the 28th, of June 2020.

  15. Many persons have commented here on my post on Earth Wind and Fire. As I have stated previously I am an indigenous Caribbean man, which means I have seen the effects of all the things I have written about first hand. My paternal uncle was murdered by his wife through witchcraft. I know of what I speak through personal experience, most of you speak from your study of books. any one who has delved into witchcraft knows that in the higher craft levels, animal and sometimes human sacrifice is practiced. All of which are condemned in the Bible as abominable.


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