Ethiopian Genetics Could Verify ‘Queen of Sheba’ Legend June 22, 2012 UK researchers studying the genomes of Ethiopian people have discovered similarities to those of populations in Israel and Syria, proving genetic evidence that may support the tale of the legendary Queen of Sheba. Ethiopians are described by representatives of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute , one of the organizations involved in the study, as one of the most genetically diverse cultures in the world. By studying their DNA, the researchers detected mixing from some Ethiopians and non-Africans dating back to approximately 3,000 years ago. “The origin and date of this genomic admixture, along with previous linguistic studies, is consistent with the legend of the Queen of Sheba, who according to the Ethiopian Kebra Nagast book had a child with King Solomon from Israel and is mentioned in both the Bible and the Qur’an,” the Institute said in a press release . As part of their work, which is detail...