
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Armenian Massacre 2.

  The outbreak of fighting in Nagorno Karabakh between the Armenians and Azerbaijani’s, are embers of an age-old conflict between the Armenians who are traditionally ‘Christian’, and the Azerbaijani’s who are traditionally adhering to the Islamic creed i.e. Muslims. The massacre and deportation of Turkey’s Armenian population took place against a background of fighting between Turkish and Russian forces, on the Caucasus front. It was described by some scholars, as the first genocide of the 20 th century.   This post will focus on the events and socio-political, socio-cultural religious and ethnic differences that shaped, the Armenian and Azerbaijani conflict, making both ethnic groups the arch enemies that they are today. Russia and Ottoman Turkey were multinational empires. Where their borders met in the Caucasus Armenians lived on both sides.   Armenian Nationalism : The Christian Armenians and their Turkish Muslim rulers in Turkey had a history of conflict s...

The Armenian Massacre.

  The outbreak of fighting in Nagorno Karabakh between the Armenians and Azerbaijani’s, are embers of an age-old conflict between the Armenians who are traditionally ‘Christian’, and the Azerbaijani’s who are traditionally adhering to the Islamic creed i.e. Muslims. The massacre and deportation of Turkey’s Armenian population took place against a background of fighting between Turkish and Russian forces, on the Caucasus front. It was described by some scholars, as the first genocide of the 20 th   century. This post will focus on the events and socio-political, socio-cultural religious and ethnic differences that shaped, the Armenian and Azerbaijani conflict, making both ethnic groups the arch enemies that they are today. Russia and Ottoman Turkey were multinational empires. Where their borders met in the Caucasus Armenians lived on both sides. Armenian Nationalism : The Christian Armenians and their Turkish Muslim rulers in Turkey, had a history of conflict stretching back ce...

Ethiopia Birthplace of The Human Race.

  Excerpted from Rastafari and its Shamanist Origins by Wade A. Bailey. Ethiopia’s bedrock belongs to the earth’s first continent, a continent called Gondwanaland by geologists, of which Africa forms the last intact remnant. The structures of this 600-million-year-old land made up of hard, massive folded pre-Cambrian crystalline rock, have been covered over throughout most of Ethiopia by recent formations. Ethiopia is called the cradle of mankind, by some geologists and anthropologists. The Bible records in Genesis 2:8-14 that: ‘And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed 10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted into four heads. 11 The name of the first is Pison, that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good there is Bdellium and the Onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second is Gihon ( Blue Nile ) the same is it that compass...