The Apostle SD James prophecied that the Chinese will develop private aircraft specifically designed for wealthy families, with such computer sophistication that within the next five to ten years, people will be able to fly aircraft, sophisticated streamlined vehicles that are supposed to be installed with advanced vorad systems. The aircraft will be ablle to avoid collisions without the assistance of the Aladdin. The The Apostle Dr SD James an endtime messenger who has prophecied extensively about Red China. Red China (The Dragon), will replace America as the number one world superpower. He also spoke in 2007 about the Global Launch of the Pale Horse. The entire message can be read in the transcript "The Global Launch of the Pale Horse Red China The Dragon." "Be Forewarned that all Asia is coming together , the Shanghai, Beijing Dragon Head is at work, revelations 6 verse 7. The launch of the Pale Horse consisted of five principal elements. Matrix,...