Break The Cross: ISIS in the Caribbean.
The Islamic State in Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean.
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The latest issue #15 of Dabiq. The Islamic States online magazine. |
“The Most Significant Security Threat Facing T&T and our generation - The threat of ISIS infiltrating the Caribbean and T&T” (Opposition MP Roodal Moonilal).
Above Dabiq the online magazine of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). In the chapter entitled Why we hate You six points are given for the reasons the so called Islamic State is at war with the West. I find it instructive to include some of them here. Much false information appeared on the internet, virtually as soon as this the latest issue #15 was released online as a pdf file. Many are erroneously reporting that Shane Dominic Crawford is an “ISIS spokesman”, calling for “violence against Christians”. He specifically stated that: “I also say to you, my brothers, that you now have a golden opportunity to do something that many of us here wish we could do right now. You have the ability to terrify the disbelievers in their own homes and make their streets run with their blood. Where is your jealousy for the religion? They are bombing your brothers and sisters day and night in the land where Allah’s law is supreme. It is an obligation upon you to act and force them to think thrice before bombing the Muslims. Therefore, terrorize the disbelievers and make them feel fear everywhere, even in their own bedrooms. Due to their mere disbelief, their blood by default is lawful to spill. How much more obligatory is it to do so after they’ve waged war against the Muslims and killed their women and children. For this reason, amongst others, the Islamic State leadership emphasized the importance not to differentiate between disbelieving soldiers and their so-called “civilians.” Attack the interests of the Crusader coalition near you, including their embassies, businesses, and “civilians.” Burn down their government institutions just as they try to bomb our buildings where Allah’s law is upheld (here Crawford explicitly states that his “brothers” in Trinidad should target the interests of the US such as embassies et al and any other civilian from the countries allied to the US, who are bombing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria).
Follow the example of the lions in France and Belgium, the example of the blessed couple in California, and the examples of the knights in Orlando and Nice”.
Here is the first point given for their war with the West: “1. We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices. It is for this reason that we were commanded to openly declare our hatred for you and our enmity towards you. “There has already been for you an excellent example in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, ‘Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah. We have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone”
(Al-Mumtahanah 4). Furthermore, just as your disbelief is the primary reason we hate you, your disbelief is the primary reason we fight you, as we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam, either by becoming Muslims, or by paying jizyah – for those afforded this option – and living in humiliation under the rule of the Muslims. Thus, even if you were to stop fighting us, your best-case scenario in a state of war would be that we would suspend our attacks against you – if we deemed it necessary – in order to focus on the closer and more immediate threats, before eventually resuming our campaigns against you. Apart from the option of a temporary truce, this is the only likely scenario that would bring you fleeting respite from our attacks. So in the end, you cannot bring an indefinite halt to our war against you. At most, you could only delay it temporarily. “And fight them until there is no fitnah [paganism] and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah”
(Al-Baqarah 193).
2. We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power. In doing so, you desire to rob Allah of His right to be obeyed and you wish to usurp that right for yourselves. “Legislation is not but for Allah” (Yusuf 40). Your secular liberalism has led you to tolerate and even support “gay rights,” to allow alcohol, drugs, fornication, gambling, and usury to become widespread, and to encourage the people to mock those who denounce these filthy sins and vices. As such, we wage war against you to stop you from spreading your disbelief and debauchery – your secularism and nationalism, your perverted liberal values, your Christianity and atheism – and all the depravity and corruption they entail. You’ve made it your mission to “liberate” Muslim societies; we’ve made it our mission to fight off your influence and protect mankind from your misguided concepts and your deviant way of life.
6. “We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim.
What’s important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason for hating you is secondary, hence the reason we addressed it at the end of the above list. The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you. No doubt, we would stop fighting you then as we would stop fighting any disbelievers who enter into a covenant with us, but we would not stop hating you. What’s equally if not more important to understand is that we fight you, not simply to punish and deter you, but to bring you true freedom in this life and salvation in the Hereafter, freedom from being enslaved to your whims and desires as well as those of your clergy and legislatures, and salvation by worshiping your Creator alone and following His messenger. We fight you in order to bring you out from the darkness of disbelief and into the light of Islam, and to liberate you from the constraints of living for the sake of the worldly life alone so that you may enjoy both the blessings of the worldly life and the bliss of the Hereafter.
The gist of the matter is that there is indeed a rhyme to our terrorism, warfare, ruthlessness, and brutality. As much as some liberal journalist would like you to believe that we do what we do because we’re simply monsters with no logic behind our course of action, the fact is that we continue to wage – and escalate – a calculated war that the West thought it had ended several years ago. We continue dragging you further and further into a swamp you thought you’d already escaped only to realize that you’re stuck even deeper within its murky waters… And we do so while offering you a way out on our terms. So you can continue to believe that those “despicable terrorists” hate you because of your lattes and your Timberlands, and continue spending ridiculous amounts of money to try to prevail in an unwinnable war, or you can accept reality and recognize that we will never stop hating you until you embrace Islam, and will never stop fighting you until you’re ready to leave the swamp of warfare and terrorism through the exits we provide, the very exits put forth by our Lord for the People of the Scripture: Islam, jizyah, or – as a last means of fleeting respite – a temporary truce”.
The man above, “Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi” has been positively identified by his mother Joan Crawford as Shane Crawford). Crawford was and is still being, falsely reported in some media, even in Trinidad and Tobago as being deceased. The world is by now, well aware that, Shane Crawford is very much alive. The following is his message to Christians. Not Christians on Trinidad and Tobago particularly, but Christians wherever they may be found:
Dabiq: As a convert from Christianity, what message would you like to direct to Christians?
Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi: To the Christians I say, you know that you have strayed far away from the true teachings of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Your book was corrupted long ago by your leaders. I call on you to remember the first two commandments, for they are what led me to Islam and to the true teachings of all the prophets. Submit to the one who created you and do not differentiate between the prophets, for they all came with the same message. Follow the final messenger, Muhammad, for in doing so you will be following all of the prophets. If you refuse, then we offer you the option to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation. If you refuse, then the only thing between you and us is the sword.
A report in The Daily Herald, Thursday, October 16th 2014 sated the following: The Trinidad and Tobago government has confirmed that “several nationals”, are fighting alongside supporters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. National Security Minister Gary Griffith, speaking on a radio programme in Trinidad said: “two nationals have been positively identified as fighters with IS, with the mother of one of the men confirming that her son was an active combatant with IS.
Joan Crawford told the Trinidad Express newspaper that her son Shane (29) had gone to Syria to fight on IS’ behalf: “He’s fighting, he does not believe in raping women and killing children. It is those crimes which were being committed in Syria which prompted him to go and fight. His life is better. He has purpose. He has family and he is not coming back here”. “In October 2011, Crawford was detained during the State of Emergency for being part of a plot to kill Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three Cabinet ministers and to cause panic in the country. Despite being detained for 14 days, no charges were laid against him or 15 other men after the police failed to provide sufficient evidence for them to be charged in relation to a conspiracy to murder Persad-Bissessar and three members of her Cabinet. Joan produced his school certificates to show that in 2002, he scored five Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) subjects, including English Language, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering Technology and Technical Drawing as well as a course on Best Practice Behavior. In 2003, he did an Adolescent Development Programme at the El Socorro Regional Life Centre and in 2004; Crawford completed a certificate from Servol for PC Systems Servicing and Troubleshooting. After secondary school, Crawford converted to Islam”.
Shane Crawford said in Dabiq that: “Abu ‘Abdillah, my wife, and I were arrested at one point, but the police weren’t able to make a case against us. We were nonetheless charged for possessing guns and ammunition. They seized my computer and phones and found the videos, books, and lectures on jihad. The taghut government of Trinidad then plotted against us, claiming that we were planning on assassinating the prime minister and a number of other ministers in order to cause chaos and panic in the country. That would have been an honor for us to attempt, but the reality of our operations was much smaller, as I described before. We were imprisoned for terrorism along with some Muslims who merely knew us as well as others whom we had never even met before. Alhamdulillah, they planned and plotted but Allah is the best of planners. They were unable to make a case against us and we were freed, by Allah’s permission, and despite being placed under surveillance, we went back to doing what we knew we had to do, commanding the good and prohibiting the evil. The three of us decided to make hijrah to the Levant and join the Islamic State after witnessing the plight of the Muslims in the Levant, but we had some unfinished business with some disbelievers who had wronged the Muslims in the community. Our tickets were already booked, and we were ready to depart within a week but we felt guilty leaving without finishing what needed to be taken care of. It was a difficult decision, and it was for this reason that we would later look back at this moment and say that perhaps it was a final test from Allah to see if we were worthy of being granted the honor of hijrah and jihad. As painful as it was, we decided to delay our hijrah, and there soon came an opportunity to exact revenge on the two kafir criminals we were hunting.
The operation was carried out in the middle of the city in broad day light and was caught on camera. It wasn’t our plan for it to occur that way, but it happened according to Allah’s decree. Following the operation, Abu ‘Abdillah and Abu ‘Isa were arrested, and I went into hiding. We decided that we had to leave Trinidad nonetheless because nothing was going to stop our hijrah, by Allah’s permission. Once more, Allah bestowed a tremendous favor on us as Abu ‘Isa was released pending investigation. Abu ‘Abdillah was also released and we left Trinidad one-by-one. I left first along with my wife, followed by Abu ‘Abdillah, and then Abu ‘Isa, and we met up in Venezuela. We had missed our original flights so we had to stay there for some time until we were able to book new flights.
The man above, “Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi” has been positively identified by his mother Joan Crawford as Shane Crawford). Crawford was and is still being, falsely reported in some media, even in Trinidad and Tobago as being deceased. The world is by now, well aware that, Shane Crawford is very much alive. The following is his message to Christians. Not Christians on Trinidad and Tobago particularly, but Christians wherever they may be found:
Dabiq: As a convert from Christianity, what message would you like to direct to Christians?
Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi: To the Christians I say, you know that you have strayed far away from the true teachings of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Your book was corrupted long ago by your leaders. I call on you to remember the first two commandments, for they are what led me to Islam and to the true teachings of all the prophets. Submit to the one who created you and do not differentiate between the prophets, for they all came with the same message. Follow the final messenger, Muhammad, for in doing so you will be following all of the prophets. If you refuse, then we offer you the option to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation. If you refuse, then the only thing between you and us is the sword.
A report in The Daily Herald, Thursday, October 16th 2014 sated the following: The Trinidad and Tobago government has confirmed that “several nationals”, are fighting alongside supporters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. National Security Minister Gary Griffith, speaking on a radio programme in Trinidad said: “two nationals have been positively identified as fighters with IS, with the mother of one of the men confirming that her son was an active combatant with IS.
Joan Crawford told the Trinidad Express newspaper that her son Shane (29) had gone to Syria to fight on IS’ behalf: “He’s fighting, he does not believe in raping women and killing children. It is those crimes which were being committed in Syria which prompted him to go and fight. His life is better. He has purpose. He has family and he is not coming back here”. “In October 2011, Crawford was detained during the State of Emergency for being part of a plot to kill Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three Cabinet ministers and to cause panic in the country. Despite being detained for 14 days, no charges were laid against him or 15 other men after the police failed to provide sufficient evidence for them to be charged in relation to a conspiracy to murder Persad-Bissessar and three members of her Cabinet. Joan produced his school certificates to show that in 2002, he scored five Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) subjects, including English Language, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering Technology and Technical Drawing as well as a course on Best Practice Behavior. In 2003, he did an Adolescent Development Programme at the El Socorro Regional Life Centre and in 2004; Crawford completed a certificate from Servol for PC Systems Servicing and Troubleshooting. After secondary school, Crawford converted to Islam”.
Shane Crawford said in Dabiq that: “Abu ‘Abdillah, my wife, and I were arrested at one point, but the police weren’t able to make a case against us. We were nonetheless charged for possessing guns and ammunition. They seized my computer and phones and found the videos, books, and lectures on jihad. The taghut government of Trinidad then plotted against us, claiming that we were planning on assassinating the prime minister and a number of other ministers in order to cause chaos and panic in the country. That would have been an honor for us to attempt, but the reality of our operations was much smaller, as I described before. We were imprisoned for terrorism along with some Muslims who merely knew us as well as others whom we had never even met before. Alhamdulillah, they planned and plotted but Allah is the best of planners. They were unable to make a case against us and we were freed, by Allah’s permission, and despite being placed under surveillance, we went back to doing what we knew we had to do, commanding the good and prohibiting the evil. The three of us decided to make hijrah to the Levant and join the Islamic State after witnessing the plight of the Muslims in the Levant, but we had some unfinished business with some disbelievers who had wronged the Muslims in the community. Our tickets were already booked, and we were ready to depart within a week but we felt guilty leaving without finishing what needed to be taken care of. It was a difficult decision, and it was for this reason that we would later look back at this moment and say that perhaps it was a final test from Allah to see if we were worthy of being granted the honor of hijrah and jihad. As painful as it was, we decided to delay our hijrah, and there soon came an opportunity to exact revenge on the two kafir criminals we were hunting.
The operation was carried out in the middle of the city in broad day light and was caught on camera. It wasn’t our plan for it to occur that way, but it happened according to Allah’s decree. Following the operation, Abu ‘Abdillah and Abu ‘Isa were arrested, and I went into hiding. We decided that we had to leave Trinidad nonetheless because nothing was going to stop our hijrah, by Allah’s permission. Once more, Allah bestowed a tremendous favor on us as Abu ‘Isa was released pending investigation. Abu ‘Abdillah was also released and we left Trinidad one-by-one. I left first along with my wife, followed by Abu ‘Abdillah, and then Abu ‘Isa, and we met up in Venezuela. We had missed our original flights so we had to stay there for some time until we were able to book new flights.
The photo above is a still shot, of a CNN broadcast. The so called American ISIS fighter , was a naturalized citizen of the US, originally from Trinidad, as his nom de guerre above Abu Abdurahman al-Trinidadi reveals (al-Trinidadi means, the Trinidadian or from Trinidad).
The above photo is a still shot of an ISIS recruitment video uploaded to social media site’s by the Islamic State media arm production team based in Ar-Raqah Province. A report out of Trinidad and Tobago claimed that the video featuring children had many Trinidadians reacting in shock and outrage. The video features four men from Trinidad all praising the Islamic State and giving various accounts of their experiences in Trinidad versus their Syrian experiences under IS. I will highlight some excerpts here, since I have written extensively about the eventuality of exactly this occurring and since his boy’s will be “Cubs of the caliphate”, an unprepared Caribbean security apparatus is completely impotent in the face of battle hardened Jihadist’s, trained from childhood in the rudiments of war returning to the Caribbean. Darius Figueria renowned Trinidadian Criminologist has asserted that: “ISIS has established a foothold on the ground in Trinidad”. “As long as you have people leaving T&T and going to Syria to fight with Isis, you have to have a recruiter here. “You can’t just talk to somebody on the Internet, walk in and say you want to be a shaheed (martyr) or mujahadid (fighter), buy a plane ticket to Turkey and cross into Syria. “Isis is paranoid about spies infiltrating the organization. Somebody with the credentials has to vouch for you.” He said : “Isis put out videos of public beheadings of even teenagers accused of being spies and used stringent security screening to vet people who want to join and fight in their ranks.
At a Pentagon briefing in March, US Marine General John Kelly said that Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, T&T, Suriname, as well as Venezuela were concerned about the militants returning home to conduct terror operations because they could not be monitored or tracked. He said they could easily slip into the US. Figueira said the language the man with the Trinidad accent in the video was using and what he was seeking to inculcate in the children was straight out of the Isis playbook. He said Isis released videos showing children in Syria and Iraq being trained to be mujahedin—guerrilla warriors engaged in jihad or holy war. Figueira said this was entirely different from African warlords using child soldiers. Isis has a specific agenda to train two generations of mujahedin in Iraq and Syria.
He said they were taking boys as young as three years old and placing them in special schools where they were drilled and indoctrinated in the specific ideology of Isis which focused on constant jihad or never-ending warfare. Figueira said military training was part of the Isis curriculum, which sought to mould the personalities of the very young to the Isis world view. He said the greatest act a male Muslim could perform was to die a martyr’s death.
Another article in the Trinidad Guardian by Charles Kong Soo Published on:
Sunday, November 15, 2015 stated: “Criminologist Daurius Figueira is warning that T&T Muslims recruited by ISIS could be used to infiltrate and destabilize western countries, including those in Europe coping with an influx of refugees. Exactly one week after ISIS released a video featuring four Trinidad-born fighters urging T&T Muslims to take up arms to fight in Syria, the terrorist organization is claiming responsibility for the Paris attacks that killed well over a hundred people, saying that the attacks were in retaliation for France’s bombing in Syria. Speaking to the Sunday Guardian Figueira said: “There is a purpose to the video. Why produce a recruitment video only for T&T, given the comparatively small size of the Muslim population here. It accounts for only about five per cent of the population? “The people behind the Al Raqqa recruitment video are now sending a message specifically to Muslims in T&T that there is a T&T contingent of fighters now in ISIS, trained and led by nationals of T&T. “The Ministry of National Security must investigate that: The formation of a T&T ISIS contingent, the message they want to send and why they want to recruit third world people whose first language is English.” He said the only other promotional release to date in English had British Islamic State fighters in it. Figueira said Caricom nationals, Trinidadians and people from the Commonwealth who spoke English and were educated can be used by ISIS to take the fight on the home soil of first-world countries such as Britain and the US. He said the state agencies of the previous government had failed to penetrate and dismantle these structures and the IS video was in fact taunting the state agencies of T&T on their failure. He said those fighters presented in the IS video will not return to T&T except if they wanted to escape IS for some reason. Figueira said the major issue for T&T was recruitment here and the export of potential fighters to IS. According to former National Security Minister Gary Griffith, about 30 T&T nationals made the trip to Syria to fight for ISIS last year. The United Nations had also warned that T&T is one of a number of countries with Muslim populations that is being used as a recruiting ground for the terror group. Cyber hackers linked to the Islamist organization attacked the government computers of Jamaica and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Former Executive Director of the National Operations Centre (NOC) Garvin Heerah told the Sunday Guardian that the details that had surfaced in the viral videos were alarming. He said the video and information obtained through internet surveillance continued to engage the attention of national security.
Heerah there is continuity between the last National Security administration, and the current one led by Minister of National Security Edmund Dillon. Heerah said the probability that the jihadist recruits could return to T&T should not be dismissed, and all the arms of security and law enforcement, here and abroad, must work together.
On Thursday, March 19, 2015 the Daily Herald featured a report captioned; “US NAVY PULLING OUT OF THE CARIBBEAN”. General John Kelly previously mentioned, commander of US Southern Command USSOUTHCOM. Kelly warned that Caribbean countries are unable to monitor hundreds of their citizens that could return from fighting for ISIS in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East. He claimed that it would be easy for terrorist’s to ‘walk” north to the US border. Kelly’s assessment of the situation is egregiously and tragically mistaken, terrorist’s in the Caribbean need not go to the US, to harm or kill its citizens, they need only to target the millions of US and European tourist’s in our midst. The massive inflow on for instance Sint Martin of American tourist’s through, the airport and harbor are all perfect targets for terrorists. The fastest growing religion in prison on Sint Maarten, and many other islands regionally is Islam, with a decidedly Sunni militant bent. This does not bode well for the tourist product of the island. As I have indicated in previous book’s, tourism regionally will be rendered obsolete, if a massive rethink of the economic, educational and political policies, pertaining to the youngest most vulnerable elements of the region are not undertaken with immediate effect, these “lumpens” are forming and will continue to form the backbone of a regional “Islamist”, uprising.
Above is a photo shown previously. Shane Dominic Crawford is cut from the photo. This photograph appeared in the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Online in an article written by Gail Alexander and published on Saturday, April 16, 2016. What follows is the caption of said photo in the Guardian:
“Trinidadian fighters Shane Dominic Crawford, from left, Arshad Mohammed and three other unidentified Trinidadians pose for a photo last year. Crawford has since been killed”.
As I said previously Shane Dominic Crawford is very much alive, and is threatening the stability of not only Trinidad and Tobago but the Caribbean region in particular and western society in general.
Here are excerpts from the article by Gail Alexander previously mentioned: “The state has information that over 400 T&T nationals - men, women and children - have gone to Syria and undergone military training and indoctrination with the Islamic State (Isis) and have been radicalized, Opposition MP Roodal Moonilal revealed yesterday”.
Speaking during debate on legislation to amend the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) to deepen local intelligence capabilities, Moonilal challenged Government to comment on information coming to hand that Government has received intelligence on the stockpiling of weapons in T&T and threats to the State.
Moonilal held up a thick sheaf of documents to support his revelations. The Oropouche East MP noted that last Friday in Parliament, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley had acknowledged some T&T nationals had gone to Syria where Isis was active and have returned and are now under surveillance. This information was already in the public domain before April 29 2016. What is remarkable is the fact that, the government officials in Trinidad keep repeating that: “Government has information on the most significant security threat facing T&T and our generation - the threat of Isis infiltrating the Caribbean and T&T”. They already acknowledged that T&T nationals have returned from Syria and are “under surveillance”. Not only that but Shane Crawford and several of his cohorts including his wife were, imprisoned on several occasions and released due to “lack of evidence”. As I said many times before Caribbean states are abysmally unprepared, legislatively and in the field of security and counter-terrorism to deal with the inevitable, terrorist operation in our midst.
Here is more of Moonilal’s excerpted speech to the Parliament of T&T: “He called on Government to say what was being done on policies to handle such returning nationals. He indicated one option was creating criminal offences to charge people involved in financing such travel. He noted that T&T had once banned Stokely Carmichael (Carmichael was from Trinidad) and CLR James (James was also from Trinidad) for ideology”.
“Calling for investigation of the current situation and policies to deal with it, he said people who have gone to Isis and become indoctrinated and radicalised pose a clear and present danger to the state”.
In the article the T&T Guardian claimed to have obtained a file: “50 pages long - from a top-level police agency, which lists “T&T citizens who have left the country and journeys to Syria which align themselves with the Islamic State terrorist group”. (The file was formerly marked confidential and was for internal intelligence use only).
The file features the names, sex, date of birth, last known local address of each person and date of their departure, date of arrival, their status (whether confirmed in Syria) and a photograph of them. Departures range between 2013 and 2015. The list comprises 32 males, 30 females and 40 children.
The adult males in this listing are largely of Afro T&T descent between the ages of 30 to the 50s.
The women—most wearing hijabs —are also largely of Afro T&T descent, bearing Muslim names and ranging age between the 30 to 40 age group. The children, however, range in ages from two years to 16 years. This list comprises boys and girls, some mere tots, and babies.
Some of the adults are described as being affiliated to Rio Claro and Enterprise mosques.
The list starts with Shane Dominic Crawford, aka Abdullah, whose address was listed as Wallerfield. It states his status was “confirmed as being in Syria.” Crawford tops the list.
Anthony Hamlet, of Rio Claro, who was confirmed as being in Syria, was listed as having died in battle.
One Clint Crawford, of Cunupia, was listed as being in Egypt, “but went to Syria and underwent jidhadist training.”
The list stated Algernon Fareed Mustapha was confirmed in Syria “and died in battle in the second week of July 2015”.
Also described as being “killed in battle” is Sean Bartholomew, aka “Shabazz”, of Lower Santa Cruz. He left for Syria via Suriname.
Osayaba Abayomi Abdullah Muhammed, of Belmont, was listed as departing for Syria via London with unconfirmed reports of being “killed in battle.”
Shawn Parsons, of D’abadie, was listed as reportedly killed also. Ticket information was that he passed through London, Dubai and Manila to reach Syria.
Tariq Abdul Haqq, of Arouca, was listed as departing for Syria via Barbados and was “reportedly killed.”
A Cocoyea Village, San Fernando man was listed as being in Egypt, “from where he is expected to travel to Syria via Turkey.” An Aranguez man was listed as reportedly being in Syria having initially left for Egypt.
The list included three Central women - a mother and two daughters - described as having returned to T&T after being detained at a refugee camp in Turkey. (That group was featured in media reports recently).
A Chagaunas woman was listed as being deported from Venezuela and being detained since 2014, but who was also confirmed as “being in Syria,”
Among the children, one Cunupia eight-year-old of East Indian descent was believed to be in the UK,” having transited through Curacao”.
A similar description was given for a 26-year-old from Cunupia and a 10-year-old East Indian girl of Cunupia, a six-year-old boy from the same place plus a couple from Cunupia. Two Rio Claro children, ages five and two, were listed as having departed with a female and male for Frankfurt, Germany, via Tobago and Barbados with the final destination “believed to be Syria via Turkey.” The pictures show a chubby, smiling baby and toddler. Several other couples are described as taking that same route also.
Two other boys from Rio Claro were described as having departed to Germany via Barbados with Turkey as the final destination. A couple is also listed with these little boys.
A 12-year-old boy of Santa Cruz is listed as leaving for Syria via Suriname along with a four-year-old girl and two women.
A Geoffrey Street, Diego Martin woman was confirmed in Syria, as was a Longdenville, Chaguanas woman, an eight-year-old boy, 14-year-old youth and a six-year-old and seven-year-old, both of Rio Claro.
A Trincity six-year-old was said to have departed to Syria via London and a man of Maloney Gardens was listed as departing to Syria via Curacao. A woman and two boys from Trincity was also listed as going to Syria via London.
A Rio Claro couple and three-year-old boy went to Syria via Guyana and a 13-year-old Longdenville boy is confirmed as being in Syria.
A six-year-old boy was also confirmed as having arrived in Turkey while a Cunupia couple were also confirmed as having arrived there along with two eight and seven-year-old boys.
A Don Miguel Road, San Juan man and two tots were also listed as heading to Syria via Brazil, as well as another couple and seven-year-old boy from the same area, and Rio Claro couples and children. An Ecclesville, Rio Claro family of five was listed crossing the Turkish border to Syria.
Others listed as departed for Syria were men, women and children from Morvant, adults from Mayaro and Richplain Road, Diego Martin and a woman born in Saudi Arabia whose TT address was Mayaro. Also listed were a Trou Macaque man, a Coconut Drive, Morvant man, plus men, women and boys from Pranz Gardens, Claxton Bay. Women and boys in that group departed via Panama and Brazil. A tot and youngster from Petit Valley were also listed with adults”.
As anyone can see the situation in the region is dire and on Trinidad and Tobago it has deteriorated rapidly to a near crisis.
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