
Showing posts from November, 2012


By Wade A Bailey. The symbolism that the Five Percent Nation is most known for. The Five Percent Nation teaches an esoteric, psuedo scientific mythological set of beliefs, which can only be understood by the symbol literate. Their teaching is an admixture of Islamic beliefs and Esoteric, Occult beliefs coupled with NOI teaching and Black Supremacist Racialist teaching. Allthough they have been called a gang, and dismissed by some as a farcical sect. Many of the most succesful Hip Hop groups and Rappers identify themselves as Five Percenters. The list is long but I will name some of, the most visible on today's Rap radar and also some of the lesser known, or some who might not be actively rapping today. Rakim called the greatest rapper alive today is a self described Five Percenter.  Poor Righteous Teachers,all of the Wu Tang Clan, Busta Rhymes. The Bran Nubians, et al in the Nazaritze Blog I went into the Five Percent Nation however it warrants another loo...


Most horrific act of terrorism in Caribbean The 35th anniversary of Cubana bombing tragedy off Barbados By Rickey Singh Story Created: Oct 2, 2011 at 1:49 AM ECT Story Updated: Oct 2, 2011 at 1:49 AM ECT THURSDAY will mark the 35th anniversary of the horrific bombing of a Cubana passenger aircraft off Barbados that killed all 73 people on board in what has been documented as the single worst human tragedy in the history of the Caribbean region to result from international terrorism linked to anti-Cuba operatives trained by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The government of Cuba and its embassies in Barbados and Guyana will have varying activities to commemorate the victims of that unprecedented crime in Caribbean air space in which the collaborators involved those who had boarded the Cubana flight at Piarco International Airport in Trinidad and Tobago. With the explosive materials well concealed on board the Cubana a...

The CIA’s Long Criminal History

By Julie Lévesque :from Global Research(Centre for Research on Globalisation). The Petraeus Affair has demonstrated yet again how a sex scandal story can be fed into the U.S. media to serve both as a trigger for “political assassination” and as “the tree hiding the forest.” Even though what lies behind the salacious smoke screen is still the object of speculation, most of those speculations are more credible than a simple extramarital affair. One of the possible explanations of Petraeus’ departure is his stance on Israel which he saw as a liability to US interests in the Middle East: “The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR [Area of Operations] . Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into violence and large-scale armed confrontations. The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question ...